Spiritual Psychology and Counseling


Derginin Adı: Spiritual Psychology and Counseling
Dergi Kayıt Tarihi: 5.04.2016
DergininWebsitesi: http://spiritualpc.net/
Dergi Hakkında: Spiritual Psychology and Counseling (SPC) dergisi, psikolojik süreçler bağlamında maneviyat ve maneviyat ile ilgili bütün konular üzerinde yapılan bilimsel araştırma ve çalışmaları yayımlayan hakemli, uluslararası bilimsel bir dergidir. Psikoloji biliminin bakış açısından, maneviyat olgusunun geniş alanı içinde yer alan kavramlar ve yapılar, manevi yönelimli psikoterapi ve danışmanlık müdahaleleri ve dünyadaki bütün manevi gelenekler üzerinde yapılacak incelemeler ve bunlarla ilgili araştırma konuları derginin yayın kapsamına girmektedir.
ISSN: 2458-9675
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Collapse Spiritual Psychology and CounselingSpiritual Psychology and Counseling
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2019/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2019/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
The Bidirectional Spirituality Scale: Construction and Init...
Parallelisms between Jungian Archetypes with Ibn ‘Arabi’s C...
Psychodrama and Spirituality: A Practice-Friendly Review
Partner Violence in Muslim Marriages: Tips for Therapists i...
College Students’ Attitudes Toward Counseling for Mental He...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Perception of Spirituality among Substance Addicts with Inc...
A Psychological Counseling Study on Fear of Failure and Aca...
The Relationship of Marital Satisfaction and Life Satisfact...
Spiritual Dimension in Art Therapy
Ultramodern Psychology: A Vision Construction with Culture,...
The Impact of Spirituality and Spiritually-Oriented Therape...
Transactional Analysis Theory and Spirituality
Islamic Spiritual Counseling Techniques
Spirituality in the Context of Acceptance and Commitment Th...
A Critical Approach to Freud and Psychoanalysis
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/1<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/1
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Rumi from the Viewpoint of Spiritual Psychology and Counsel...
Legacy of an Anatolian Sufi from a Psychological Perspectiv...
Hristiyan Gelenekte Manevi Bakımın Teorik Temelleri
Forgiveness, Religiousness, and Life Satisfaction: An Empir...
Spirituality in Psychotherapy Settings: A Phenomenological ...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2017/2<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2017/2
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
A Qualitative Research on University Students’ Religious Ap...
Spirituality in Logotherapy
The Role of Islam in Preventing Domestic Violence towards M...
Spirituality-Based Analysis of Satir Family Therapy
Investigation of the Death Anxiety and Meaning in Life Leve...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2019/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2019/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Studying Spiritual Intelligence As a Predictor on Meaningfu...
Adapting the Scale for Spiritual Intelligence to Turkish
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Spirituality
Disability and Spirituality
Multi-Cultural Counseling and Spiritual Interventions
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2020/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2020/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
The Effect of School Administrators’ Spiritual Leadership S...
Optimism, Happiness, Life Meaning and Life Satisfaction Lev...
Impact of Perceived Stress and Religious Attitude on Life S...
A White Counselor in a Multicultural World: Understanding t...
Developing the Counselor Attitude Scale for Spirituality in...
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy and Spirituality
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2018/3<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2018/3
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari and al-Hikam al-‘Ata’iyya in the...
Understanding Veterans Through the Lens of Dialogical Psych...
The Effects of Itikaf on State-Trait Anger, Intrinsic Relig...
Marital Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating E...
Comparing Behavioral Health Graduate Students in Spiritual ...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Maternal Spiritual Coping Scale: Development and Validation
Using Spiritual Genograms in Family Therapies
Spiritual Interventions in Juvenile Delinquency
Spiritual Counseling for Bereaved Parents
The Spiritual Bypass Scale-Brazilian Adaptation: How Religi...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2020/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2020/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
The Spiritual Approach to Systemic Family Therapies
Spiritually Oriented Couple, Marriage and Family Therapies
Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy and Spirituality
The Religious and Spiritual Dimensions of Bowen Family Ther...
Spiritually-Oriented Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy
The Use of Spirituality in Narrative Couples and Family The...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2021/6<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2021/6
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Examination of the Effect of Positive Psychology- based Gro...
The Mediating Role of Religious Coping in Perceived Stress,...
Religiosity, Spirituality, Forgiveness, Religious Coping as...
Resilience as a Mediator in Spiritual Relations and Quality...
The Mindfulness Levels of Adults During the Covid-19 Pandem...
The Inner Life of An Experienced Meditator: From Shopping L...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/1<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/1
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Qualitatively Exploring the Relationship among Gratitude, S...
Attar of Nishapur’s Seven Valleys and the Stages of Human C...
Path to the Universal Self in Haji Baktash Walî: Four Doors...
Examination of the Relationship among Death Anxiety, Spirit...
The Ticket to Heaven: A Spiritual Resource for Coping with ...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2017/2<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2017/2
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Four Inclinations in Human Nature: Evaluated in Light of Al...
Embodiment of the Spirit: A Case Study
An Overview of Spiritually Oriented Cognitive Behavioral Th...
Spiritual Well-Being: Scale Development and Validation
Religion and Spirituality in the Life of Individuals with P...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2020/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2020/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
The Relationship Between Psychological Hardiness and Mindfu...
Assessing the Predictor Roles of Mindfulness and Spiritual ...
The Relationship between Spiritual Well-Being and Happiness...
Examining the Moderator Role of Gender in the Association B...
The Effect of Anger, Gratitude and Psychological Well-Being...
The Adaptation of the Moral Integrity Scale into Turkish an...
Examining the Relationship between Fear of COVID-19 and Spi...
A Mixed-Method Study Exploring the Effectiveness of Accepta...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2019/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2019/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
The Relationship of Spiritual Coping with Resilience and Pe...