

Derginin Adı: tojet
Dergi Kayıt Tarihi: 18.01.2011
Dergi Hakkında: TOJET is happy to inform you that the new issue January 2011 has been published. TOJET is interested in educational technology. The field of educational technology is one that requires a high level of problem solving critical thinking, and interpersonal skills to solve problems that are often complex and multi-dimensional. Analyzing cases provides an opportunity to explore professional issues through an environment that allows action researchers, practitioners and students to analyze and reflect on relevant theories and techniques to understand a real problem, ponder solutions and consequences, and develop responses.
ISSN: 1303 - 65
Dergi Dili: Türkçe

Dergi Sayıları

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Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2011/10<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2011/10
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Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2010/9<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2010/9
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Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2003/2<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2003/2
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Computer-Based Cognitive Tools in Teacher Training: The COG...
Intelligent Tutoring System: A Tool for Testing the Researc...
Mathematics and Language
Students’ Developments at Computer Courses under the Constr...
Bilgisayarlar, Görsel Tasarım ve Görsel Öğrenme Stratejiler...
Bilgisayarların Öğretim Alanında Kullanımına İlişkin Öğretm...
Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi (Böte) Bölümü ...
Bolu Ortaöğretim Okulları Yöneticilerinin Teknolojik Liderl...
İnternet Destekli Öğretimde Kullanılmak üzere Web Erişimli ...
İnternet Tabanlı Uzaktan Eğitim Programı Geliştirme Süreçle...
Öğrencilerin Hiperortam Tasarımcısı Olarak Katıldığı Öğrenm...
Tıp Eğitiminde Senkron Eğitim ve Selçuklu Tıp Fakültesi’nde...
Uzaktan Eğitimde Bilgisayar Kullanımı ve Uzman Sistemler
Üstün Yetenekli Öğrencilerin Fen Öğretmenlerinin Eğitimine ...
Web Tabanlı Eğitimin Demokrası Bilincinin Gelişimine Etkisi
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
Advantages of Computer Based Educational Technologies for A...
Communication Barriers in Distance Education
Differences Between Elementary and Secondary Preservice Sci...
Differences in Anxiety Between IT Competent And Incompetent...
New Toys for Young Children: Integration of Computer Techno...
The Factors that Affect Computer Assisted Education Impleme...
Using Internet on the Way of Scientific Literacy
Açıköğretim Fakültesi ve Açıköğretim Lisesi Uygulamalarını ...
Açıköğretimde İnternete Dayalıalıştırma Yazılımları Tasarım...
Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitime Tabi Tutulan Ortaöğretim Öğrenc...
Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitimin Öğrenciler Üzerine Etkisi
Bilgisayar Destekli Fen Bilgisi Öğretiminin Öğrencilerin Fe...
İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Bilgisayar Deneyimleri ile Uzamsa...
Mantık Devreleri Dersine Yönelik İnternet Destekli Uzaktan ...
Öğrencilerin Bilgi Arama Amacıyla İnternet’i Kullanım Biçim...
Öğretim Teknolojisi Olarak Televizyonda Görselleştirme ve S...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2004/3<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2004/3
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Bilgisayar Destekli Kavram Haritası Yöntemiyle Öğretmen Ada...
Bilgisayar Destekli Kimya Eğitiminde Portfolyo Çalışmaları
Bilişsel Esneklik Hiper Metinleri ve Hiper Ortamları
Bir Eğitim Kurumu İçin Etkileşimli Sesli Yanıt Sistemi
Dijital Sinyal İşlemcide Yapay Sinir Ağlarını Türkçe Yazımı...
Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi - Uzaktan Eğitim Programları
Eğitim Fakültelerinde Grafik Tasarım Eğitiminde Bilgisayar ...
Eğitim Teknolojilerinin Üstün Yetenekli Öğrencilerin Fen Eğ...
Eğitim Teknolojisinin Gelişimine Epistemolojik Yaklaşımları...
Macromedia Flash Eğitimi Amacı ile Geliştirilen bir Eğitsel...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
An Audio-Book Project for Blind Students at the Open Educat...
Design Strategies for Higher Education Faculty
Instructional Materials for Teacher Educators: A Review of ...
Integrating multimedia into the Malaysian classroom: Engagi...
Online Learning: Student Role and Readiness
Open Learning: Communicating with the learner
The Effect of Learning Together Technique of Cooperative Le...
The Evaluation of Students’ Perceptions of Distance Educati...
To Kill the Blackboard? Technology in Language Teaching and...
Web-Based Learning Materials for Higher Education: The Merl...
Alternatif Değerlendirme Aracı Olarak Bilgisayar Destekli B...
Ayrık Matematik Program Paketi ve Bir Uygulama
Data Logger Cihazının Ohm Kanunu Üzerindeki Pilot Uygulamas...
Eğitim İletişiminde Çağdaş Ortamlar: “.. iletişim bir sorun...
Eğitim Teknolojisiyle ilgili Öğrenmeyi Etkileyebilecek bazı...
Enstrümental Analiz Dersinde İnternet Destekli Öğretim Uygu...
Teknolojik Gelişme için Eğitimin Önemi ve İnternet Destekli...
Tekstil (Örme) İşletmelerinde Hizmet İçi Eğitime Yönelik Ku...
Uzaktan Eğitimde Teknoloji Seçimi
Uzaktan Eğitimin Temelleri Dersindeki Uzaktan Eğitim İhtiya...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
Computerized Applications on Complexation in Chemical Educa...
Implications of the Integration of Computing Methodologies ...
Important Learning Dimensions Influencing Undergraduate Stu...
Improving Professional Skills of Practitioners by Construct...
Lecture or the Web-Based Courses for the Tertiary Level
Optimizing Computer-Based Developmental Math Learning at an...
Student Teachers’ Attitudes about Basic Physics Laboratory
Teaching Scientific Literacy through a Science Technology a...
Turkish Student Teachers’ Perceptions of a Model Teacher
University Faculty Members’ Context Beliefs about Technolog...
Data Show Teknolojisinin Coğrafya Dersinde Soyut Konuların ...
Ders Web Sayfalarının Oluşturulması ve Yönetimi için bir Ya...
Eğitim Ortamında Etkileşimli Çokluortam CD-ROM’larının Değe...
Eğitim Teknolojilerinden Yararlanarak Çoklu Zekanın Öğretim...
Eğitimde Sanal Gerçeklik
Eğitimde Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri -Internet ve Sanal Yük...
Etkileşimli bir Eğitim Televizyonu Uygulaması: Açıköğretim ...
Mekatronik Eğitiminde MPS Üniteleri
Ortaöğretim Öğrencilerinin Çember Konusundaki Temel Hatalar...
Uzaktan Öğretimde Kalite: “.. Sayısal Büyüklükler Doyuma Ul...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2005/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2005/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
An Alternative Approach to Logo-Based Geometry
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2007/6<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2007/6
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Development of a New Curriculum for Computer Education and ...
How Technology is Integrated into Science Education in a De...
Middle and Secondary Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Compa...
School Climate and Teachers’ Perceptions on Climate Factors...
The Attitudes of the Physical Education Students towards In...
The Consequences of Internet Café Use on Turkish College St...
The effect of Constructivist Learning Principles Based Lear...
The Effect of Simulation-Games Environment on Students Achi...
The Necessity and Applicability Levels of the Courses that ...
The Profiles of the Use of the Internet for Study Purposes ...
The School Website as a Virtual Learning Environment
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
A Flexible Mobile Education System Approach
Evaluating Audio Books as Supported Course Materials in Dis...
Interactive Multimedia Learning: Students’ Attitudes and Le...
Original Research and Peer Review Using Web-Based Collabora...
The Competence of Physical Education Teachers in Computer U...
The Opinions of Turkish Highschool Pupils on Inquiry Based ...
The Relationship between Teacher Immediacy Behaviors and Le...
Using an Online Portfolio Course in Assessing Students’ Wor...
Using Mobile Phones to Prepare for University Lectures: Stu...
What is the Role of Education Technologies in Increasing In...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2008/7<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2008/7
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Evolving Roles of Online and Face-To-Face Instructors in a ...
Exploration of the Attitudes of Freshman Foreign Language S...
ICT Usage in Higher Education: A Case Study on Preservice T...
Teaching Usage of Equipments in a Remote Laboratory
The Study of Reliability and Validity of Creative Materials
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
An Application of Peer Assessment in Higher Education
Interaction in the Internet-Based Distance Learning Researc...
The Abilities of Physical Education Teachers in Educational...
The Effects of Individual Differences on Learner’s Navigati...
The Role of Personality Traits in Web Based Education
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Evaluation of the Skills of K-12 Students Regarding the Nat...
Mobile Learning in Higher Education: An Empirical Assessmen...
Modeling Spring Mass System with System Dynamics Approach i...
Policy Implications for Using ICTS for Empowerment of Rural...
Promoting Teachers’ Positive Attitude Towards Web Use: A St...
The Organization of the Faculty Development Programs for Re...
The Relationship between Teacher Immediacy Behaviors and Le...
Turkish EFL Student Teachers’ Perceptions on the Role of El...
Using Multimedia Social Stories to Increase Appropriate Soc...
Virtual Students' Perceptions of E-Learning in Iran
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
6th, 7th And 8th Graders’ Attitudes Towards Online Homework...
A Comparative Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Comput...
A Model of Cooperative Education -“Group Leader Training Pr...
Academic Staff Perceptions of ICT and Elearning: A Thai HE ...
Action Research: An Approach for the Teachers in Higher Edu...
An Investigation of Primary School Science Teachers’ Use of...
E-Learning and Distance Education in Nigeria
Improving the Technology Integration Skills of Prospective ...
School Leadership and Information Communication Technology
The Effect of Classic and Web Based Educational Application...
The Effect of Dynamic Geometry Software on Student Mathemat...
The Turkish Adaptation Study of Motivated Strategies for Le...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/13<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/13
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
3-Dimensonal and Interactive Istanbul University Virtual La...
A Study on Reading Printed Books or E-Books: Reasons for St...
A Technology-Based Statistical Reasoning Assessment Tool in...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2005/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2005/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
Bilgisayar Destekli Fizik Etkinliklerinin Öğrenci Kazanimla...
Bilişim-İletişim Teknolojileri ve Dil Öğretim Endüstrisi
Çoklu Gösterimlerle Problem Çözme ve Teknolojinin Rolü
Deneysel Öğretim Yöntemlerinde Benzetişim (Simulation) Kull...
Elektronik Akademik Uzaktan Eğitim Dergisi: TOJDE İçerik An...
E-Portfolyolarla Öğrenme Ortamı Geliştirme ve Destekleme Pl...
Fen Bilgisi Laboratuarı Dersinde Bilgisayar Destekli Etkinl...
Fen Lisesi Matematik Öğretmenlerinin Görüşleri-II: Matemati...
Grafik Hesap Makinelerinin Matematik Derslerine Adaptasyonu...
İlköğretim 6. Sınıf Fen Bilgisi Dersi Elektrik Ünitesinde K...
İlköğretim Bilgisayar Dersindeki Sınıf Yerleşim Düzeni ve Ö...
İlköğretim Birinci Kademede Web Üzerinden Ders İşlenebilirl...
Üstün Yeteneklilerin Fen Öğretmenlerine Yönelik Hazırlanan ...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2006/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2006/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Affects of Television as a Natural Educator: Can Television...
An Examination of the Relationship between the Integration ...
Biology Teachers’ Attitudes and Communication Behavior in T...
Challenges in Preparing Tomorrows Teachers to Use Technolog...
Cultural Identity Crisis in the Age of Globalization and Te...
Effects of Computer Based Learning on Students’ Attitudes a...
In Pursuit of Alternatives in ELT Methodology: Webquests
Open Source Software in Teaching Physics: A Case Study on V...
The Effect of Computers on the Test and Inter-Rater Reliabi...
The Reality of Web-Based Interaction in an Egyptian Distanc...
Using of Distance Education Approach in Teacher Training: A...
Virtual Manipulatives in Mathematics Education: A Theoretic...
Çevrimiçi Eğitimde Akademik Başarıyı Etkileyen Güdülenme Ya...
Genetik Konusunda Bilgisayar Destekli Materyal Geliştirilme...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
An Exploratory Study of English Language Teachers’ Beliefs,...
An Innovative Approach on Holistic Analysis of Interview Da...
Detailed Review of Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory ...
Estimating Availability of Middle Level Skilled Manpower
New Information and Communication Technologies in The Democ...
School Management Information Systems in Primary Schools
The Effects of Digital Portfolio Assessment Process on Stud...
The Influence of Teaching Note-Taking and Information Mappi...
The Teacher Education Village: Growing Partnerships to Inte...
What Technology Plays Supporting Role in Learning Cycle App...
Hemşire Öğretim Elemanlarının Teknolojiye İlişkin Tutumları
Web Destekli Ders Çalıştırıcı Tasarımı
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Analyzing ‘Job Satisfaction’ of a Teacher in an Institution
History of Higher Education Provision for the Deaf in Turke...
Knowledge Management and Online Communities of Practice in ...
Online Professional Development for University Teaching in ...
Preservice Computer Teachers as Hypermedia Designers: The I...
Students’ Preferences on Computer Using and A Survey on Var...
Teacher Training on Special Education in Turkey
The Effect of Computer Assisted and Computer Based Teaching...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
Analyzing Pre-School Student Teachers’ and Their Cooperatin...
Are the Rural Schools of the Democratic Republic of Congo R...
Critical Thinking Dispositions of the Turkish Teacher Candi...
Faculty Adoption of Online Technology in Higher Education
Gender Difference in an Online Asynchronous Discussion Perf...
The Effects of Computers on Kindergarten Children’s Social ...
The Role of Computers in Writing Process
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/13<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/13
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Exploring Students Intentions to Study Computer Science and...
Exploring the Factors Influencing E-Learning of Turkish EFL...
Improving Undergraduates’ Critique via Computer Mediated Co...
Investigating the Interpersonal and Contextual Factors Gove...
Mobile Devices: Toys or Learning Tools for the 21st Century...
PKM Tools for Academia: Ingredients for Success in the Glob...
Students, Computers and Mathematics the Golden Trilogy in t...
Symbiotic Relationship between Telecentre and Lifelong Lear...
Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Interactive Whiteboa...
The Application of a Cloud-Based Student, Teacher, and Pare...
The Current Practice of Integration of Information Communic...
The Effects of Korean Learners’ Online Experiences on their...
The Impact of Cognitive Styles on Design Students’ Spatial ...
The Nearly Forgotten Malay Folklore: Shall We Start with th...
The Relationship between the Embedded Instruction Approach ...
The Use of Online Social Networks by Polish Former Erasmus ...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
Application of ICT by Students at Selected Universities in ...
Discovering How Students Search a University Web Site: A Co...
E-Assessment of Student-Teachers’ Competence as New Teacher...
EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Using LMS
Exploring Students Intentions to Study Computer Science and...
Exploring the Value of Animated Stories with Young English ...
Identifying Professional Competencies of the Flip-Chip Pack...
Improving the Learning Design of Massive Open Online Course...
Incidental Foreign-Language Acquisition by Children Watchin...
Integration of Web 2.0 Tools in Learning a Programming Cour...
Moving towards the Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solv...
Online Teaching Evaluation for Higher Quality Education: St...
Self- Motivation as a Mediator for Teachers’ Readiness in A...
The Impact of Iranian Teachers Cultural Values on Computer ...
The Mediator Effect of Career Development between Personali...
The Semantic Web in Teacher Education
Using Confidence as Feedback in Multi-Sized Learning Enviro...
Virtual Laboratory as an Element of Visualization when Teac...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/14<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/14
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
A Digital European Self-Assessment Tool for Student Teacher...
A Replication Study on the Multi-Dimensionality of Online S...
Adaptability and Replicability of Web-Facilitated, Hybrid, ...
Adult Learners’ Perceptions of Designed Hypermedia in a Ble...
Design of Guidelines on the Learning Psychology in the Use ...
Effectiveness of E-Lab Use in Science Teaching at the Omani...
Ipad Use and Student Engagement in the Classroom
Personalization of Student in Course Management Systems on ...
Physical Education Teachers’ Subjective Theories about Inte...
Technology Facilitated PBL Pedagogy and its Impact on Nursi...
The Effects of “Live Virtual Classroom” On Students’ Achiev...
The Effects of Multimedia and Learning Style on Student Ach...
The Effects of Online Peer Assessment and Family Entreprene...
The Influence of Learner Readiness on Student Satisfaction ...
The Pedagogy of Flipped Instruction in Oman
The Place of Technology Integration in Saudi Pre-Service Te...
Using Mobile-Assisted Exercises to Support Students’ Vocabu...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
A Defining Moment in E-Working: The Application of an E-Wor...
Advanced Learning Space as an Asset for Students with Disab...
Attitudes of Students and Teachers towards the Use of Inter...
Benefits and Challenges of Information and Communication Te...
Cognitive Awareness Prototype Development on User Interface...
Determination of Critical Success Factors Affecting Mobile ...
EFL Learners’ Attitudes towards Using Computers as a Learni...
E-Learning Readiness in Medicine: Turkish Family Medicine (...
Evaluation of a Digital Story Pedagogical Module for the In...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2005/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2005/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Developing a Technology Attitude Scale for Pre-Service Chem...
Dynamic Visualization and Software Environments
Improving Teacher Quality, a Keyword for Improving Educatio...
Parent’s Views on Internet Use
Recommendations towards Developing Educational Standards to...
Teacher-Student Interactions in Distance Learning
The Relations between Global Environmental Awareness and Te...
Toward an Effective Integration of Technology: Message Boar...
Understanding Faculty Adoption of Technology Using the Lear...
User Satisfaction Evaluation of an Educational Website
Fen Bilgisi Dersinde Eğitim Teknolojisi Kullanılmasına İliş...
Fen Eğitiminde Öğrencilerin Gelişimini Değerlendirmek için ...
Gazi Üniversitesi’nin Uzaktan Eğitim Potansiyeli
Göçmen Türklere Yönelik Uzaktan Öğretim Uygulaması (F.Alman...
İnternet Destekli Öğretim Sistemlerinde Bilişim Gereksiniml...
İnternet Temelli Ölçmelerin Geçerliğini Sağlamada Yeni Yakl...
İnternet Üzerinden Eğitim’de Eğitim Platformu Geliştirme Kr...
Oluşturmacı Öğrenme Yaklaşımının Uzmanlaşmaya Etkisi
Organizasyonel Değişmede Eğitim Teknolojilerinin Rolü ve Ön...
Öğretim Elemanlarının Bilgisayar Programlarını ve İnterneti...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Mining What We Know About Handheld Computers: A Review of t...
Software Mapping Assessment Tool Documenting Behavioral Con...
The Use of Computer Technologies in the Social Studies Clas...
The Use of Computers in Mathematics Education: A Paradigm S...
Towards Implementing Technologies in Education: Exploring t...
E-Öğrenmede Bilgisayar / Ağ Alyapısı Bakımından Etkili Para...
Matematik Eğitimini Yenileme Yönünde İleri Hareketler-I: Te...
Türkiye’deki Okul Yöneticisi ve Öğretmenlerin Evlerindeki B...
Web-Destekli Öğretim Ortamında Bireysel Tercihler
Yönetim Fonksiyonları Bağlamında Uzaktan Eğitim Yönetimi
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
A Computer Assessment Tool for Concept Mapping
A Computer Based Problem Solving Environment in Chemistry
A Metadata Model for E-Learning Coordination through Semant...
A Model for Integrating New Technologies into Pre-Service T...
A Multidisciplinary Education Frameworks that Exploits IT U...
A New Model for the World of Instructional Design: A New Mo...
A Study about Students’ Misconceptions in Force and Motion ...
Computers: Educational Technology Paradox?
Costs & Benefits of Guided Discovery Architecture Online Pr...
Implementing Project Based Learning in Computer Classroom
Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes toward the Computers
Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Sisteminde Soru ...
Basit Bir Mikroişlemci Yapısının Web Tabanlı Çoklu Ortam il...
Bilgi Teknolojilerinin Öğrenim Alanı Planlamasına Etkileri:...
Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerinin Öğrenme-Öğretme Sürecine...
Bilginin Eğitim Teknolojilerinden Yararlanarak Eğitimde Pay...
Bilgisayar Destekli Fizik Öğretiminde Çalışma Yapraklarına ...
Dijital Hikaye Anlatımının Bileşenleri
İşitme Engelli Çocuklarda Bireyselleştirilmiş Okuma Eğitimi
Sanal Gerçeklik ve Eğitim Amaçlı Kullanılması
Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Gazete Kullanımı
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/13<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/13
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
An Evaluation into the Views of Candidate Mathematics Teach...
An Integrated Skills Approach using Feature Movies in EFL a...
Bridging The Students’ And Instructor’s Experiences: Explor...
Digital Citizenship
Effect of Blended Learning Environment Model on High School...
Effective Assessments of Integrated Animations - Exploring ...
Inspecting the Theoretical Model of Junior High School Stud...
Instructors’ Perceptions towards the Use of an Online Instr...
Integrating Feedback into Prospective English Language Teac...
Interpretive Structural Modeling of Mlearning Curriculum Im...
Learning English Vocabulary Collaboratively in a Technology...
Learning Object to Enhance Introductory Programming Underst...
Relationship between ICT Variables and Mathematics Achievem...
Service Learning for Medical Students: Program Development ...
Students' Opinions on Facebook Supported Blended Learning E...
Students' Perception toward Personal Information and Privac...
Tablet PCs as Instructional Tools in English as a Foreign L...
The Use of Social Network Sites by Prospective Physical Edu...
Use of Internet for Academic Purposes among Students in Mal...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
A Study on Information Search and Commitment Strategies on ...
Assistive Technology in Special Education and the Universal...
Collaboration Factors and Quality of Learning Experience on...
Developing of Indicators of an E-Learning Benchmarking Mode...
Development of a Responsive Literacy Pedagogy Incorporating...
Development of the Information Society and its Impact on th...
Development of Visual Literacy Levels Scale in Higher Educa...
Evaluation of Computer Based Foreign Language Learning Soft...
Gifted’ Teachers Stages of Concerns for Integrating E-Learn...
Impact of Collaborative Tools Utilization on Group Performa...
Interactive Multimedia Learning: Innovating Classroom Educa...
Management Trainee Program of Turkish Airlines: Global Dist...
Pre-Service Social Studies Teachers’ Perspectives towards N...
Preservice Teachers’ Views about E-Book and their Levels of...
The Effects of Collaborative Writing Activity Using Google ...
The Relationship between Attitudes of Prospective Physical ...
The Study of Learners’ Preference for Visual Complexity on ...
Usage of Thin-Client / Server Architecture in Computer Aide...
Use of ICT Technologies and Factors Affecting Pre-Service E...
Use of Instructional Technologies in Science Classrooms: Te...
Using Facebook as a LMS?
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
A Feasibility Study of Using ICT in Iranian Secondary Schoo...
A Research into the Pedagogic Formation, Foreign Language a...
A Systematic Approach to Improving E-Learning Implementatio...
Correlation between Cultural Perceptions, Leadership Style ...
Effect of Screen Reading and Reading from Printed Out Mater...
Enhancing a Low-Cost Virtual Reality Application through Co...
Exit Exam as Academic Performance Indicator
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/15<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/15
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
An Analysis of University Students’ Attitudes towards Perso...
Comparing Social Network Analysis of Posts with Counting of...
Design of Open Content Social Learning that Increases Learn...
Designing a Website to Support Students' Academic Writing P...
Further Classification and Methodological Considerations of...
Generic Assessment Rubrics for Computer Programming Courses
Modeling Behavior of Students in E-Learning Courses on the ...
Predicting Virtual learning Environment Adoption: A Case St...
Prevalence and Impact of Cyberbullying in a Sample of Indon...
Students’ Framing of a Reading Annotation Tool in the Conte...
Teacher Perception of Barriers and Benefits in K-12 Technol...
The ECO European Project: A new MOOC dimension based on an ...
The Instructors' Attitudes toward the Use of E-learning in ...
The Pearl Side of Online Portfolios: A Descriptive Study on...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/14<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/14
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Factors Contributing Pre-School Trainees Teachers Adoption ...
Future of Online Education in Crisis: A Call to Action
Identify the Motivational Factors to Affect the Higher Educ...
Improving College Students English Learning with Dr. Eye An...
Interactive Projector as an Interactive Teaching Tool in th...
Pre-Service Teachers’ Learning Styles and Preferences towar...
Prospective Teachers’ Likelihood of Performing Unethical Be...
Reflection Tools in Teacher Education Classes: An Analysis ...
Restrict or Share the Use of the Interactive Whiteboard? Th...
Short Serious Games Creation under the Paradigm of Software...
Students' Perceptions of Edmodo and Mobile Learning and the...
Technology Acceptance of Healthcare E-Learning Modules: A S...
The Effect of Corpus-based Activities on Verb-Noun Collocat...
The Impacts of Workplace Advantage, Learning Intentions, an...
Understanding Synchronous Computer-Mediated Classroom Discu...
Using Technology in the Classroom: A Study with Turkish Pre...
Utilization of Information and Communication Technologies a...
Web 2.0 in Education: the Impact of Discussion Board on Stu...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Academic Progress Depending on the Skills and Qualities of ...
Assessing ELT Pre-Service Teachers via Web 2.0 Tools: Perce...
Design on the MUVE: Synergizing Online Design Education wit...
Designing Effective Curricula with an Interactive Collabora...
Developing a Teaching Model using an Online Collaboration A...
Examination on ICT Integration into Special Education Schoo...
Identification of Difficulties in the Consolidation of Rese...
Individual Factors that Encourage the Use of Virtual Platfo...
Preferences and Willingness for Participating MOOCS in Turk...
Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of ICT Integration in Tea...
Research and Trends in the Studies of Homeschooling Practic...
Seamless Support: Technology Enhanced Learning in Open Dist...
Student’s Perception about Online Interaction, access and P...
The Effect of Emotional Labor on Job Involvement in Prescho...
The Effect of Play Supported Program on the School Readines...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2006/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2006/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
The Use of Video as an Audio-Visual Material in Foreign Lan...
Bir Öğretim Materyali Olarak Tarihsel Romana Yönelik Öğrenc...
The Effect of the Computer Assisted Teaching and 7e Model o...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2007/6<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2007/6
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Integrating New Technology to Commerce Curriculum: How to O...
To Compare the Effects of Computer Based Learning and the L...
Turkish Parents’ Views on Quality Standards for Children’s ...
University Undergraduate Students’ Information Seeking Beha...
Variables Predicting Foreign Language Reading Comprehension...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Application of Multimedia Design Principles to Visuals used...
Direct Instruction and Appropriate Intervention for Childre...
Examining the Characteristics of Literacy Practices in a Te...
School Principals' Attitudes Towards the Use of Technology:...
Science, Technology & Literacy
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
An Assessment of Secondary School Teachers Uses of ICT’s: I...
Attitudes of EFL Learners towards the Internet
Determination of Misconceptions that are Encountered by Tea...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2002/1<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2002/1
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Brain Activities and Educational Technology
Creativity: A New Era in Educational Technology
Interactivity in a Distance Learning Environment
Organizational Implications of Web-Enhanced Study Abroad Pr...
The Instructional, Technical, and Psychological Perspective...
The Use of Video Cases in Teacher Education
Fen Bilgisi Eğitimi ve Yapısalcı Yaklaşım
İnternet Yoluyla Öğretimde Ergonomi
Okul Deneyimi I Dersinin Öğrenme ve Öğretme Ders Teknolojis...
Sakarya İli Öğretmenlerinin Eğitim Teknolojileri Yönündeki ...
Uzaktan Eğitim Yoluyla Yabancı Dil Öğretimi
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2003/2<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2003/2
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Application of Computer Aided Mathematics Teaching in a Sec...
A Novel Approach for the Use of Technology in Education
Developing a Student-Centered Learning Environment in The M...
Distributed Learning and Constructivist Philosophy
Çevrimiçi Uzaktan Eğitimde İletişim Modülü
Matematik Öğretiminde Teknolojik Modern Öğretim Yaklaşımlar...
Oluşturmacı Öğretim Tasarımı ve Yaratıcılık
Ögretmen Adaylarının Bilışsel Stilleri ile Bilgisayara Yöne...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
A Comparative Study on Math Education Rendered in the Educa...
A Learning Management System Developed at the Eastern Medit...
Electronic Publishing and Academic Dialogue between Academi...
Learning in the Knowledge Economy: The Role of Technology
The Analysis of Decision Making Behaviors and Perceived Pro...
The Evaluation of the Course “Introduction to School Experi...
The Value of Bukit Kepong as an Educational Film: A Researc...
Virtual Reality in Engineering Education A CIM Case Study
Bilgisayar Destekli Fen Bilgisi Öğretiminin Öğrenci Başarıs...
Dinamik Geometri Yazılımı Cabrı ile Geometri Öğrenme: Öğren...
Öğretmenlerin Yeni Bilgi Teknolojileri Kullanımında Yüksekö...
Kitap Eleştrisi
Interview with Dr. Don Flournoy from Ohio University, USA
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
A Review of Communication Elements and Learner Support Serv...
Assessment at a distance: Traditional vs. Alternative Asses...
CD-Based Presentation Script of the “Needs for the Distance...
Challenges of Video-Conferencing Teaching and Effective Tea...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2005/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2005/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
A Computer Assessment Tool for Structural Communication Gri...
A Model Proposal for Instructional Technology and Multimedi...
A Multi-Agent System Approach for Distance Learning Archite...
A Research on the Purpose of Internet Usage and Learning vi...
A Research Proposal to Compare a Computer-Based and a Lectu...
Computer Based Social Studies Instruction: A Qualitative Ca...
The Implementation Results of New Instructional Design Mode...
The Internet and Autonomous Language Learning: A Typology o...
3-18 Yaş Grubu Çocuk Ve Gençlerin İnteraktif İletişim Araçl...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/14<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/14
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Learning in a Collaborative...
Electronic Continuous Professional Development (E-CPD) for ...
Empowering English through Project-Based Learning With ICT
Establishing a Multidimensional Interaction in Science Inst...
Factors Related to Faculty Members’ Attitude and Adoption o...
For Effective Use of Multimedia in Education, Teachers Must...
Integrating Computer-Assisted Language Learning in Saudi Sc...
Integration of Technology Enhanced Learning within Business...
Mathematics and Children’s Literature Linked by E-Books
Mobile Applications’ Impact on Student Performance and Sati...
Modification of Delon and Mclean Model in the Success of In...
Perceptions of Teachers and Students towards Educational Ap...
The Comparison of Accuracy Scores on the Paper and Pencil T...
The Effects of the Constructivist Learning Approach on Stud...
The Role and Use of E-Materials in Vocational Education and...
University Social Responsibility (USR): Identifying an Ethi...
Using ICT-Supported Narratives in Teaching Science and thei...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2004/3<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2004/3
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
An Occupational Survey of Refrigeration Technicians Aiming ...
Attitudes of Students toward Computers
Database Management Systems: A Case Study of Faculty of Ope...
Developing and Implementing an Instructional Technology Aid...
Efficiency of Computer Literacy Course in Communication Stu...
Online Newspaper as an Interaction Tool in Distance Educati...
Bilgi Çağında Öğretmen Adaylarının Eğitiminde Öğretim Tekno...
Bilgi Toplumu Sürecinde Yerel Yönetimlerde Eğitim-Bilişim T...
Bilgisayar Destekli Devre Tasarımı Dersi Uygulaması
Bilgisayar Destekli, İnternet Erişimli İnteraktif Eğitim CD...
Bir Çevrimiçi Öğrenim Destek Sisteminin Kullanılabilirlik T...
Bireylerin Teknoloji Kullanımı Problem Çözme Yetenekleri il...
Coğrafya Eğitiminde Bilgisayar Destekli Ders Sunumunun Öğre...
Fen Öğretiminde Öğrenme Teorileri ve Teknoloji Destekli Yap...
Fizik Öğretmenleri için Üniversite Destekli bir Hizmet içi ...
İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Bilgi Teknolojilerinden Yararlanm...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Attitudes toward Learning about and Working with Computers ...
Disabled Persons and their Position at the Construction Edu...
EFL Students' Use of Technology in the Presentations
Evolution of Educational Software Evaluation: Instructional...
Influence of Attributes of Innovations on the Integration o...
Killing Two Birds with a Stone: Improving 4th Year Student ...
The Experiential Learning Cycle in Visual Design
The Influence of Fuzzy Logic Theory on Students’ Achievemen...
Undergraduate Students Attitudes on the Use of Computers in...
Use of Education Technology in English Classes
Web Page Design in Distance Education
Açıköğretim Fakültesi İngilizce Öğretmenliği Programı Örneğ...